Jason Dingeldein
Usually the talk leading up to the announcement of the Employee of the Month Award provides a guessing game of who is being discussed. This time it’s too easy to guess so we will toss out some distractions.
Whether it is hot or cold, in the room… It’s room temperature. (good food for thought for testing)
An older gentleman was passing the time discussing past experiences. A young person asked if life was better or worse back then. The old man looked at the youngster and said “I can’t say it was better or worse. It was just different.”
One example of different was one of the original founders of FCX, Dick Kowalski. Not many working here now knew Dick. Those that did will agree he was different. He had a passion for things that was contagious. Maybe he seemed to too excited at times but we miss his presence.
“If you want something done ask someone who is busy. People who are not busy don’t have the time.”
Our recipient of the Employee of the Month award is a poster child for the phrase “Lead, Follow, or Get out of the Way”.
I’ll be reaching for a tool only to find that it has already been put away.
There is a tendency among the engineers to adopt Comic book Superheroes in this person’s case I would suggest “The Flash”.
This person seems to have more cars than I have work pants.
The recipient is also an Eagle Scout turned Scout Master, An Archery Instructor, A bow hunter who seems to kill a deer each morning before work.
He has some knowledge of almost everything and chafes at the bit eagerly to learn more.
Our recipient for Employee of the Month for April 2017 is Jason Dingeldein.
Jason may be the newest employee to receive this honor.